What is your ultimate ideal? Is it love, power, fame, knowledge, courage, loyalty, wealth, lust, justice, art, beauty? Even the positive examples can become a detriment if they overwhelm and consume us as an obsession. Any one of them can become your god, your driving principle, your ultimate ideal. And what if there is a God, where does "It" fit in?
This site is dedicated to the proposition that the ultimate ideal, our overall driving pursuit, should beTruth, wherever that leads. It may eventually lead us to a Cosmic Creator or it may not, but with Truth as the ultimate goal, if we can define it well enough, we'll be on one of many correct paths and moving in the right direction.
I believe Truth has (at least) four aspects, knowledge, justice, love and beauty--moving from pure objective Truth to pure subjective Truth. Yes, they both exist, at the ends of the figurative spectrum, innto which they blend in the middle. Knowledge deals, through science, with universal natural law. Beauty deals, through art, with individual imagination and creativity. Justice is the objective determination of what is moral, and the subjective determination of the proper legal punishment within a society for immoral behavior. Love is (or should be) a commitment to support the well being of another, driven and supported by any number of emotions, the strongest of which are familial bonds and physical attraction.
So which is primal, reason or emotion? The answer is neither and both, they are a team. I use the analogy of a car. The driver is reason at the controls, and the emotions are the motivating force or engine. Without proper control of the emotions, the car careens out of control and into the ditch. Without the engine, the car goes nowhere. To paraphrase Einstein, emotion (faith) without reason is blind, and reason with out emotion is dead. Perhaps there is something to that trite but profoundly simple yin/yang symbol after all.
So, is there a God, a big Kahuna spirit being in the sky that the pursuit of Truth will lead us toward, but probably to which we'll probably never arrive? The answer is on the far side of Creation. We've acquired a lot of knowledge about the natural universe on this side of the Big Bang, but we don't have the first bit of evidence for what preceded it or caused it. God with a capital "G" is a 50/50 proposition. I personally believe that God created it that way for a reason, a reason we'll get into next; which has to do with THE question that no revealed religion can answer--"Why?"
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