On what basis can sex be considered unholy while claiming that contraception is unholy as well. Who decides that birth control stops at conception? If not, then when does abortion become evil?
Look to the extremes. Is "aborting" a one cell zygote when the mother is pregnant as a result of being raped by her father, immoral? Is partial-birth abortion of a healthy baby in the process of being born anything but murder? Abortion is the most difficult moral issue we face because it involves the rights of the mother, and the question of when an embryo acquires its rights.
Those who say human rights begin at conception based on divine revelation will be as intransigent in that belief as on all their other beliefs based purely on blind faith in the infallibility of scripture that is fraught with contradictions. So too those who say an embryo gains it's rights somehow instantly once outside the womb, are just as tied to their blind faith of convenience as those to religious revelation. "Pro-Life" and "Pro-Choice" are simplistic labels which are as evil in their simplicity as the immorality they claim to oppose.
There are no simple answers to the issue any more than sex can be reduced to being simple holiness or Original Sin.
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